ERA5 Catalogue


Choose the stream:

Deterministic forecasts

Atmospheric model stream=oper
Wave model stream=wave

Ensemble data assimilation

Atmospheric model stream=enda
Ensemble data assimilation monthly means of daily means stream=edmo
Ensemble wave data assimilation monthly means of daily means stream=ewmo
Synoptic monthly means for ensembles stream=edmm
Synoptic monthly means for ensembles of ocean waves stream=ewmm
Wave model stream=ewda

Daily climatologies

Daily Climatology stream=dacl
Daily Climatology Wave stream=dacw

Monthly means

Monthly means of Daily means stream=moda
Monthly means of daily means for ocean waves stream=wamd
Synoptic monthly means stream=mnth
Synoptic monthly means for ocean waves stream=wamo

Current selection

class: ea