Section 3 templates

Section Template Name
3 0 Latitude/longitude (or equidistant cylindrical, or Plate Carree)
3 1 Rotated Latitude/longitude (or equidistant cylindrical, or Plate Carree)
3 2 Stretched Latitude/longitude (or equidistant cylindrical, or Plate Carree)
3 3 Stretched and Rotated Latitude/longitude (or equidistant cylindrical, or Plate Carree)
3 10 Mercator
3 20 Polar stereographic projection
3 30 Lambert conformal
3 31 Albers equal area
3 40 Gaussian latitude/longitude
3 41 Rotated Gaussian latitude/longitude
3 42 Stretched Gaussian latitude/longitude
3 43 Stretched and rotated Gaussian latitude/longitude
3 50 Spherical harmonic coefficients
3 51 Rotated spherical harmonic coefficients
3 52 Stretched spherical harmonic coefficients
3 53 Stretched and rotated spherical harmonic coefficients
3 90 Space view perspective or orthographic
3 100 Triangular grid based on an icosahedron (see Attachment I.2-GRIB-Att.)
3 110 Equatorial azimuthal equidistant projection
3 120 Azimuth-range projection
3 1000 Cross-section grid, with points equally spaced on the horizontal Preliminary Note: This template is simply experimental, was not validated at the time of publication and should be used only for bi-lateral previously agreed tests.
3 1100 Hovmöller diagram grid, with points equally spaced on the horizontal Preliminary Note: This template is simply experimental, was not validated at the time of publication and should be used only for bi-lateral previously agreed tests.
3 1200 Time section grid Preliminary Note: This template is simply experimental, was not validated at the time of publication and should be used only for bi-lateral previously agreed tests.
3 140 Lambert azimuthal equal area projection