Section 3 - Template 90 : Space view perspective or orthographic

Octets Key Type Content
15 shapeOfTheEarth codetable Shape of the earth (see Code Table 3.2)
16 scaleFactorOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth unsigned Scale factor of radius of spherical earth
17-20 scaledValueOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth unsigned Scaled value of radius of spherical earth
21 scaleFactorOfMajorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth unsigned Scale factor of major axis of oblate spheroid earth
22-25 scaledValueOfMajorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth unsigned Scaled value of major axis of oblate spheroid earth
26 scaleFactorOfMinorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth unsigned Scale factor of minor axis of oblate spheroid earth
27-30 scaledValueOfMinorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth unsigned Scaled value of minor axis of oblate spheroid earth
31-34 Nx unsigned Nx - number of points along X-axis (columns)
35-38 Ny unsigned Ny - number of points along Y-axis (rows or lines)
39-42 latitudeOfSubSatellitePoint signed Lap - latitude of sub-satellite point
43-46 longitudeOfSubSatellitePoint signed Lop - longitude of sub-satellite point
47 resolutionAndComponentFlags codeflag Resolution and component flags (see Flag Table 3.3)
48-51 dx unsigned dx - apparent diameter of Earth in grid lengths, in X-direction
52-55 dy unsigned dy - apparent diameter of Earth in grid lengths, in Y-direction
56-59 Xp unsigned Xp - X-coordinate of sub-satellite point (in units of 10-3 grid length expressed as an integer)
60-63 Yp unsigned Yp - Y-coordinate of sub-satellite point (in units of 10-3 grid length expressed as an integer)
64 scanningMode codeflag Scanning mode (flags - see Flag Table 3.4)
65-68 orientationOfTheGrid signed Orientation of the grid; i.e., the angle between the increasing Y-axis and the meridian of the sub-satellite point in the direction of increasing latitude (see Note 3)
69-72 Nr unsigned Nr - altitude of the camera from the Earth's centre, measured in units of the Earth's (equatorial) radius multiplied by a scale factor of 106 (see Notes 4 and 5)
73-76 Xo unsigned Xo - X-coordinate of origin of sector image
77-80 Yo unsigned Yo - Y-coordinate of origin of sector image

( 1) It is assumed that the satellite is at its nominal position, i.e., it is looking directly at its sub-satellite point.

( 2) Octets 69-72 shall be set to all ones (missing) to indicate the orthographic view (from infinite distance)

( 3) It is the angle between the increasing Y-axis and the meridian 180oE if the sub-satellite point is the North Pole; or the meridian 0o if the sub-satellite point is the South Pole.

( 4) The apparent angular size of the Earth will be given by 2 * Arcsin (106 )/Nr).

( 5) For orthographic view from infinite distance, the value of Nr should be encoded as missing (all bits set to 1).

( 6) The horizontal and vertical angular resolutions of the sensor (Rx and Ry), needed for navigation equation, can be calculated from the following: Rx = 2 * Arcsin (106 )/Nr)/ dx Ry = 2 * Arcsin (106 )/Nr)/ dy

( 7) A scaled value of radius of spherical Earth, or major or minor axis of oblate spheroid Earth is derived from applying appropriate scale factor to the value expressed in metres.

( 8) General reference information pertaining to the projections used for satellite data can be found in Section 4.4 of "LRIT/HRIT Global Specification", Doc. No. CGMS 03, Issue 2.6, Date 12 August 1999 (, page 20 onwards)