Seasonal (4-months) nature run at 4.5km resolution

Title Seasonal (4-months) nature run at 4.5km resolution
Description Comparison reference to 'A Baseline for Global Weather and Climate Simulations at 1 km Resolution', data is not aggregated and archived at 4.5km, avail 3-hourly. see also the paper
DOI 10.21957/jd93-s191
Experiment ID hgrw
Experiment class ECMWF Research Department

mean sea level pressure (msl) surface field example

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer

server = ECMWFDataServer()

    "anoffset": "9",
    "class": "rd",
    "dataset": "research",
    "date": "20181101",
    "expver": "hgrw",
    "levtype": "sfc",
    "param": "msl",
    "step": "24",
    "stream": "lwda",
    "target": "output.grib",
    "time": "00:00:00",
    "type": "fc"

Upper air data (specific humidity at 500hPa) example

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer

server = ECMWFDataServer()

    "anoffset": "9",
    "class": "rd",
    "dataset": "research",
    "date": "20181101",
    "expver": "hgrw",
    "levelist": "500",
    "levtype": "pl",
    "param": "q",
    "step": "24",
    "stream": "lwda",
    "target": "output_pl.grib",
    "time": "00:00:00",
    "type": "fc"