Experiment ID | gkzp |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Extended-range reforecasts (43R1) |
Description | 15-member coupled IFS (cycle 43R1) extended-range reforecast experiment covering the period 1989-2015. The atmosphere is configured with 91 vertical levels and uses the Tco399 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grid. The IFS is coupled hourly to the 75 level version of the NEMO v3.4 ocean model and the LIM2 sea-ice model, both of which use the ORCA025 tripolar grid. Coupling follows the implementation used in ECMWF operational forecasts. During the first 10 days of the forecast, SSTs seen by the atmosphere are derived by adding ocean model SST tendencies to observed values at initialization time that correctly represent the position of high-resolution features such as ocean fronts. From day 10 onwards, the ocean and atmosphere are freely coupled and ocean SST biases develop without constraint. Atmospheric fields are initialized from the ERA-interim reanalysis and ocean/sea-ice fields are initialized using the ORAS5 ocean (re)analysis. |
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DOI | 10.21957/t7yk-tv70 |
Public research experiments
Experiment ID | gpfk |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Extended-range reforecasts (43R1) with bias-corrected North Atlantic sea surface temperatures |
Description | 15-member coupled IFS (cycle 43R1) extended-range reforecast experiment covering the period 1989-2015 with bias-corrected sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) in the North Atlantic region. This experiment can be compared with gkzp, which is the relevant control without bias-correction. The atmosphere is configured with 91 vertical levels and uses the Tco399 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grid. The IFS is coupled hourly to the 75 level version of the NEMO v3.4 ocean model and the LIM2 sea-ice model, both of which use the ORCA025 tripolar grid. The ocean receives atmospheric fluxes as normal, but the SSTs seen by the atmosphere are adjusted using the model SST bias derived from gkzp, which varies as a function of location, calendar start date, and forecast lead time. This bias-correction term is applied only in the North Atlantic region (80°W-0°E, 25°N-90°N) and is smoothly reduced to zero at the edge of the domain. Coupling is otherwise as in operational configurations of IFS cycle 43R1. Atmospheric fields are initialized from the ERA-interim reanalysis and ocean/sea-ice fields are initialized using the ORAS5 ocean (re)analysis. |
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DOI | 10.21957/ed03-bp86 |
Experiment ID | guxf |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Global monthly reforecast sea surface temperatures from 1901 to 2010 with 24-month lead time |
Description | Long-range reforecast experiment covering the period 1901-2010 with a low-resolution configuration of SEAS5 To explore ENSO predictability up to 2 years. The reforecasts are initialised with the coupled reanalysis of the 20th Century CERA-20C. |
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DOI | 10.21957/fzf9-te33 |
Experiment ID | gvu0 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | PRIMAVERA project sea-ice albedo sensitivity experiment (1 of 2) with ECMWF-IFS-LR (cycle 43r1) |
Description | Members 1-30 of PRIMAVERA (https://www.primavera-h2020.eu/) sensitivity experiment primWP5-coupledseaice. Configured as HighResMIP/CMIP6 ECMWF-IFS-LR experiment control-1950 ( https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-11-3681-2018) but with sea-ice albedo set to open ocean values (i.e. 0.066). Each member is run for 15 months and initialized on January 1st by branching from years 1-30 of control-1950 (i.e. there is one year of separation in start dates for each member). |
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DOI | 10.21957/h81p-dy58 |
Experiment ID | gvu1 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | PRIMAVERA project sea-ice albedo sensitivity experiment (2 of 2) with ECMWF-IFS-LR (cycle 43r1) |
Description | Members 31-40 of PRIMAVERA (https://www.primavera-h2020.eu/) sensitivity experiment primWP5-coupledseaice. Configured as HighResMIP/CMIP6 ECMWF-IFS-LR experiment control-1950 ( https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-11-3681-2018) but with sea-ice albedo set to open ocean values (i.e. 0.066). Each member is run for 15 months and initialized on January 1st by branching from years 31-40 of control-1950 (i.e. there is one year of separation in start dates for each member). |
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DOI | 10.21957/wtfp-4p86 |
Experiment ID | gwjz |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | PRIMAVERA project sea-ice albedo sensitivity experiment (1 of 2) with ECMWF-IFS-HR (cycle 43r1) |
Description | Members 1-30 of PRIMAVERA (https://www.primavera-h2020.eu/) sensitivity experiment primWP5-coupledseaice. Configured as HighResMIP/CMIP6 ECMWF-IFS-HR experiment control-1950 ( https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-11-3681-2018) but with sea-ice albedo set to open ocean values (i.e. 0.066). Each member is run for 15 months and initialized on January 1st by branching from years 1-30 of control-1950 (i.e. there is one year of separation in start dates for each member). |
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DOI | 10.21957/nddk-7k86 |
Experiment ID | gwk2 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | PRIMAVERA project sea-ice albedo sensitivity experiment (2 of 2) with ECMWF-IFS-HR (cycle 43r1) |
Description | Members 31-40 of PRIMAVERA (https://www.primavera-h2020.eu/) sensitivity experiment primWP5-coupledseaice. Configured as HighResMIP/CMIP6 ECMWF-IFS-HR experiment control-1950 ( https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-11-3681-2018) but with sea-ice albedo set to open ocean values (i.e. 0.066). Each member is run for 15 months and initialized on January 1st by branching from years 31-40 of control-1950 (i.e. there is one year of separation in start dates for each member). |
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DOI | 10.21957/war5-0281 |
Experiment ID | h1pe |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | CY46R1 wave hindcast based on ERA5 forcing 2010-2018 |
Description | Standalone ECMWF wave model CY46R1 forced by ERA5 hourly neutral 10m winds, surface air density, gustiness and sea ice fraction from 2010 to 2018. Native grid resolution is 14km, 36 directions, 36 frequencies. No wave data assimilation. Hourly output. |
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DOI | 10.21957/x26j-bk23 |
Experiment ID | h3f7 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Seasonal (4-months) nature run at 1.4km resolution, aggregated to 9km |
Description | A Baseline for Global Weather and Climate Simulations at 1 km Resolution, data is aggregated/truncated to 9km, and avail 3-hourly. see the paper https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2020MS002192 |
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DOI | 10.21957/wg5x-6309 |
Experiment ID | h4qi |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Control for aircraft data denial study |
Description | Control (i.e. all usual observation types assimilated) for aircraft Observing System Experiment (OSE) see Ingleby et al (2021), https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL090699 . Experiment from 2019-01-28 to 2019-04-30, also used for 'atmospheric river' tests. |
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DOI | 10.21957/d7xy-nh24 |
Experiment ID | h4ss |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Dropsonde data denial study for 2019 Atmospheric Rivers campaign |
Description | noDropsonde experiment (other all usual observation types assimilated) for Observing System Experiment (OSE) looking at ARs affecting western USA DeHaan et al (2023). Experiment from 2019-01-28 to 2019-04-30, control is h4qi. |
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DOI | 10.21957/wk8a-a783 |
Experiment ID | h4wu |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Aircraft data denial study |
Description | noAircraft experiment (other all usual observation types assimilated) for aircraft Observing System Experiment (OSE) see Ingleby et al (2021), https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL090699 . Experiment from 2019-01-28 to 2019-04-30, control is h4qi. |
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DOI | 10.21957/wafg-bh10 |
Experiment ID | h6lz |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | CY46R1 wave hindcast based on ERA5 forcing 2019-2020 |
Description | Standalone ECMWF wave model CY46R1 forced by ERA5 hourly neutral 10m winds, surface air density, gustiness and sea ice fraction from 2019 to 2020. Native grid resolution is 14km, 36 directions,36 frequencies. No wave data assimilation. Hourly output. |
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DOI | 10.21957/epyv-3t61 |
Experiment ID | ha58 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | The CO2 Human Emissions (CHE) global nature run |
Description | This dataset contains atmospheric mixing ratios of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and carbon monoxide (CO), CO2 and CH4 fluxes at the surface, CO2 tagged tracers to monitor the atmospheric enhancement associated with anthropogenic emissions and natural fluxes, and meteorological parameters from very high resolution (9km) global simulations with the Integrated Forecasting System of the European Weather Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The high-resolution simulation - also known as nature run - provides realistic variability of carbon tracers associated with the weather for 2015, the year of the Paris Agreement. It was produced by the CO2 Human Emissions (CHE) project (https://che-project.eu) to provide boundary conditions for regional models, as a reference truth for assessing the impact of proposed designs of new satellites and in situ networks (e.g. with Observing System Simulation Experiments) and to study atmospheric variability of the tracers modulated by the weather, among other scientific applications. |
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DOI | 10.21957/w4wq-sd03 |
Experiment ID | hb02 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Seasonal (4-months) nature run reference at 9km resolution |
Description | A Baseline for Global Weather and Climate Simulations at 1 km Resolution, data is the reference at 9km without convection parametrisation, NDJF avail 3-hourly. see the paper https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2020MS002192 |
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DOI | 10.21957/3jtp-kg28 |
Experiment ID | hcfn |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Extended-range ensemble reforecasts for 1 Nov starts 1981-2016 that include MJO in phases 2 or 3 |
Description | Coupled ensemble forecasts (60 days, 50+1 members), 1 Nov 2002, IFS-CY43R3 TCo319L91, no initial perturbations, SPPT applied only in (50E-120E, 20N-20S). Twice-daily global pressure-level gridded F80 atmospheric fields. |
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DOI | 10.21957/tzgp-tv45 |
Experiment ID | hd5t |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Aircraft temperature data denial study |
Description | noAircraftT experiment (other all usual observation types assimilated) for aircraft Observing System Experiment (OSE) see Ingleby et al (2021), https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL090699 . Experiment from 2019-01-28 to 2019-04-30, control is h4qi. |
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DOI | 10.21957/6gtj-e967 |
Experiment ID | hd6r |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Dropsonde data denial study for 2020 Atmospheric Rivers campaign |
Description | noDropsonde experiment (other all usual observation types assimilated) for Observing System Experiment (OSE) looking at ARs affecting western USA DeHaan et al (2023, WAF, submitted). Experiment from 2020-01-20 to 2020-04-28, control is hd8r. |
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DOI | 10.21957/6p0c-gz45 |
Experiment ID | hd8r |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Control experiment for 2020 Atmospheric Rivers campaign |
Description | control (all usual observation types assimilated) for Observing System Experiment (OSE) looking at ARs affecting western USA DeHaan et al (2023, WAF, submitted). Experiment from 2020-01-20 to 2020-04-28 (no dropsonde experiment is hd6r). |
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DOI | 10.21957/5ns0-0h79 |
Experiment ID | hdil |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Seasonal (4-months) nature run reference at 9km resolution |
Description | A Baseline for Global Weather and Climate Simulations at 1 km Resolution, data is the reference at 9km with convection parametrisation, NDJF avail 3-hourly. see the paper https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2020MS002192 |
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DOI | 10.21957/m0xe-qq52 |
Experiment ID | hdvq |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | high resolution forecast experiment forced by persisted sea ice concentration (APPLICATE) |
Description | Atmosphere only forecast experiment with sea ice concentration persisted from the ECMWF operational analysis. 10-day high resolution (TCo1279) forecast experiments performed with Cy46r1 of the ECMWF-IFS were initialised at 0z for DJFM2017/18. |
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DOI | 10.21957/4vw1-0f68 |
Experiment ID | hdwl |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | high resolution forecast experiment with coupled ice-ocean (APPLICATE) |
Description | Coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean forecast experiment. SSTs partially coupled in the extratropics. 10-day high resolution (TCo1279) forecast experiments performed with Cy46r1 of the ECMWF-IFS were initialised at 0z for DJFM2017/18. |
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DOI | 10.21957/xbe4-6v10 |
Experiment ID | hdx7 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | CY47R1 wave hindcast based on ERA5 forcing 1990-1999 |
Description | Standalone wave model CY47R1 forced by ERA5 hourly neutral 10m winds, air density, gustiness and sea ice fraction (1999-1999). Native grid is Tco639 (18km), 36 directions, 36 frequencies. No wave data assimilation. Hourly output, many parameters. |
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DOI | 10.21957/strn-cs36 |
Experiment ID | he3k |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | CY47R1 wave hindcast based on ERA5 forcing 2000-2009 |
Description | Standalone wave model CY47R1 forced by ERA5 hourly neutral 10m winds, air density, gustiness and sea ice fraction (2000-2009). Native grid is Tco639 (18km), 36 directions, 36 frequencies. No wave data assimilation. Hourly output, many parameters. |
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DOI | 10.21957/dgkx-1485 |
Experiment ID | he3l |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | CY47R1 wave hindcast based on ERA5 forcing 2010-2020 |
Description | Standalone wave model CY47R1 forced by ERA5 hourly neutral 10m winds, air density, gustiness and sea ice fraction (2010-2020). Native grid is Tco639 (18km), 36 directions, 36 frequencies. No wave data assimilation. Hourly output, many parameters. |
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DOI | 10.21957/t3vj-b111 |
Experiment ID | he3m |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | CY47R1 wave hindcast based on ERA5 forcing 1979-1989 |
Description | Standalone wave model CY47R1 forced by ERA5 hourly neutral 10m winds, air density, gustiness and sea ice fraction (1979-1989). Native grid is Tco639 (18km), 36 directions, 36 frequencies. No wave data assimilation. Hourly output, many parameters. |
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DOI | 10.21957/y03s-tz09 |
Experiment ID | hej6 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | CAMS forecast experiment using GRIB IEEE data encoding |
Description | CAMS atmospheric composition forecast experiment set up to explore data information content in the scope of a ESoWC project. The data is encoded as IEEE single-precision (32-bit floats) circumventing any other lossy compression. This is in contrast to the default 24-bit linear packing used for CAMS in the ECMWF data archive and on the Copernicus Atmosphere Data Store. Explanation of parameter ids can be found at: https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db/ |
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DOI | 10.21957/56gh-9y86 |
Experiment ID | hezu |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Reference analysis experiment with ECMWF IFS for the EUREC4A period at 25km resolution |
Description | Research analysis experiment produced with ECMWF IFS cycle 47R1, at TCo399 (25km), for the EUREC4A field campaign (15.01.2020-14.02.2020). As in the operational analysis, the radiosondes and dropsondes launched in the campaign are assimilated. |
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DOI | 10.21957/4vgx-3f28 |
Experiment ID | hfa8 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Analysis experiment with ECMWF IFS for EUREC4A at 25km resolution, without assimilating dropsondes |
Description | Research analysis experiment produced with ECMWF IFS cycle 47R1, at TCo399 (25km), for the EUREC4A field campaign (15.01.2020-14.02.2020). The dropsondes launched in the campaign are denied from the data assimilation. |
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DOI | 10.21957/zfxz-3h02 |
Experiment ID | hfaa |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | control forecast experiment with ECMWF IFS for the EUREC4A period (25km) |
Description | Research forecast experiment produced with ECMWF IFS cycle 47R1, at TCo399 (25km), for the EUREC4A field campaign (15.01.2020-14.02.2020). Initialized from the hezu analysis, with fields saved on model levels (bit identical to hezu forecasts) |
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DOI | 10.21957/240p-1k07 |
Experiment ID | hfff |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Analysis with ECMWF IFS for EUREC4A (at 25km), without assimilating dropsondes and radiosondes |
Description | Research analysis experiment produced with ECMWF IFS cycle 47R1, at TCo399 (25km), for the EUREC4A field campaign (15.01.2020-14.02.2020). The dropsondes and radiosondes launched in the campaign are denied from the data assimilation. |
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DOI | 10.21957/7zx9-6084 |
Experiment ID | hfib |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | forecast experiment with ECMWF IFS for the EUREC4A period (25km), no dropsondes |
Description | Research forecast experiment produced with ECMWF IFS cycle 47R1, at TCo399 (25km), for the EUREC4A field campaign (15.01.2020-14.02.2020). Initialized from the hfa8 analysis, in which no dropsondes are assimilated, with fields saved on model levels (bit identical to hfa8 forecasts) |
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DOI | 10.21957/nv0f-pr71 |
Experiment ID | hfj8 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | forecast experiment with ECMWF IFS for the EUREC4A period (25km), no dropsondes and no radiosondes |
Description | Research forecast experiment produced with ECMWF IFS cycle 47R1, at TCo399 (25km), for the EUREC4A field campaign (15.01.2020-14.02.2020). Initialized from the hfff analysis, in which no dropsondes and no radiosondes are assimilated, with fields saved on model levels (bit identical to hfff forecasts) |
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DOI | 10.21957/mgrt-pp74 |
Experiment ID | hfk9 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Extended-range ensemble reforecasts for 1 Nov starts 1981-2016 that include MJO in phases 2 or 3 |
Description | Coupled ensemble forecasts (60 days, 50+1 members), 1 Nov 1986,1987,1990,2015, IFS-CY43R3 TCo319L91, no initial perturbations, SPPT applied only in (50E-120E, 20N-20S). Twice-daily global pressure-level gridded F80 atmospheric fields. |
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DOI | 10.21957/cf3y-0343 |
Experiment ID | hg1z |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Analysis with ECMWF IFS for EUREC4A (at 25km), without shallow convection momentum transport |
Description | Research analysis experiment produced with ECMWF IFS cycle 47R1, at TCo399 (25km), for the EUREC4A field campaign (15.01.2020-14.02.2020). The shallow convection momentum transport is turned off |
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DOI | 10.21957/2t2w-wy02 |
Experiment ID | hg65 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Analysis for the summer 2019 with the reseach configuration |
Description | Analysis experiement with the IFS cycle 47R1, on a cubic horizontal grid with a 399 spectral truncature, and 137 vertical levels. The cloud sink control variable is turned off. Experiment described as TOVSCV in Massart et al. (2021). Period of interest: 1 July 2019 to 30 September 2019. |
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DOI | 10.21957/2hd6-3h68 |
Experiment ID | hg66 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Analysis with the augmented control variable for the skin tempererature analysis (summer 2019) |
Description | Analysis experiement with the IFS cycle 47R1, on a cubic horizontal grid with a 399 spectral truncature, and 137 vertical levels. The skin temperature analysis for the assimilation of the radiance is realised with the augmented control variable. Experiment described as SKTACV in Massart et al. (2021) to be compared to the reference experiment hg65. The skin temperature analysis is stored in the 4v fields, parameter 90. Infrared fields: model levels 14 to 26 (step 0-13, time 09Z or 18Z). Microwave fields: model levels 27 to 39 (step 0-13, time 09Z or 18Z). Period of interest: 1 July 2019 to 30 September 2019. |
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DOI | 10.21957/vv2s-7h56 |
Experiment ID | hg6j |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Short CY47R1 wave hindcast based on ERA5 forcing (20 April 2005 to 4 May 2005) |
Description | Standalone wave model CY47R1 forced by ERA5 hourly neutral 10m winds, air density, gustiness and sea ice fraction. Native grid is Tco639 (18km), 36 directions, 37 frequencies. No wave data assimilation. Hourly output, including 2d spectra. |
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DOI | 10.21957/9jcv-r297 |
Experiment ID | hg8w |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | forecast with ECMWF IFS for the EUREC4A period (25km), no shallow convection momentum transport |
Description | Research forecast experiment produced with ECMWF IFS cycle 47R1, at TCo399 (25km), for the EUREC4A field campaign (15.01.2020-14.02.2020). Initialized from the hg1z analysis, with fields saved on model levels (bit identical to hg1z forecasts) |
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DOI | 10.21957/k2hd-ep03 |
Experiment ID | hge1 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | control forecast experiment with ECMWF IFS for the EUREC4A period (25km) |
Description | Research forecast experiment produced with ECMWF IFS cycle 47R1, at TCo399 (25km), for the EUREC4A field campaign (15.01.2020-14.02.2020). Initialized from the hezu analysis, with fields and physics tendencies saved on model levels (bit identical to hezu forecasts) |
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DOI | 10.21957/1bm6-m034 |
Experiment ID | hgef |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Analysis for the winter 2020 with the reseach configuration |
Description | Analysis experiement with the IFS cycle 47R1, on a cubic horizontal grid with a 399 spectral truncature, and 137 vertical levels. The cloud sink control variable is turned off. Experiment described as TOVSCV in Massart et al. (2021). Period of interest: 1 January 2020 to 31 March 2020. |
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DOI | 10.21957/bwf5-8929 |
Experiment ID | hgeg |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Analysis with the augmented control variable for the skin tempererature analysis (winter 2020) |
Description | Analysis experiement with the IFS cycle 47R1, on a cubic horizontal grid with a 399 spectral truncature, and 137 vertical levels. The skin temperature analysis for the assimilation of the radiance is realised with the augmented control variable. Experiment described as SKTACV in Massart et al. (2021) to be compared to the reference experiment hgef. The skin temperature analysis is stored in the 4v fields, parameter 90. Infrared fields: model levels 14 to 26 (step 0-13, time 09Z or 18Z). Microwave fields: model levels 27 to 39 (step 0-13, time 09Z or 18Z). Period of interest: 1 January 2020 to 31 March 2020. |
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DOI | 10.21957/945j-a645 |
Experiment ID | hgof |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Ensemble temperature forecast experiment using GRIB IEEE data encoding |
Description | One model cycle of ECMWF ensemble prediction system set up to explore data information content in the scope of a ESoWC project. Perturbed and control forecast of temperature on 91 model levels are archived. The data is encoded as IEEE single-precision (32-bit floats) circumventing any other lossy compression. This is in contrast to the default 16- or 24-bit linear packing used in the ECMWF data archive. The volume of the full experiment is 1 TB. |
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DOI | 10.21957/phgf-bv34 |
Experiment ID | hgpi |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Extended-range ensemble reforecasts for 1 Jan starts 1981-2016 that include MJO in phases 2 or 3 |
Description | Coupled ensemble forecasts (60 days, 50+1 members), 1 Jan 1987,1990,1995,2010,2013, IFS-CY43R3 TCo319L91, no initial perturbations, SPPT applied only in (50E-120E, 20N-20S). Twice-daily global pressure-level gridded F80 atmospheric fields. |
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DOI | 10.21957/ndqr-vs12 |
Experiment ID | hgrw |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Seasonal (4-months) nature run at 4.5km resolution |
Description | Comparison reference to 'A Baseline for Global Weather and Climate Simulations at 1 km Resolution', data is not aggregated and archived at 4.5km, avail 3-hourly. see also the paper https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2020MS002192 |
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DOI | 10.21957/jd93-s191 |
Experiment ID | hgz7 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 6-hourly global SO2 data from LH1.4 Raikoke eruption June 2019 |
Description | Layer height experiment for a series of SO2 assimilation tests for the 2019 Raikoke eruption with the CAMS system which assess the impact of assimilating SO2 layer height data (V3.1 FP_ILM). In LH1.4 (hgz7) SO2 Layer Height data produced with FP_ILM (V3.1) were assimilated with SO2 background error standard deviation values of 1.4e-7 kg/kg and horizontal background error correlation length scale of 100 km. |
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DOI | 10.21957/81bh-7h58 |
Experiment ID | hgze |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 6-hourly global SO2 data from LHexp Raikoke eruption June 2019 |
Description | Layer height experiment for a series of SO2 assimilation tests for the 2019 Raikoke eruption with the CAMS system which assess the impact of assimilating SO2 layer height data (V3.1 FP_ILM). In LHexp (hgze) SO2 Layer Height data produced with FP_ILM (V3.1) were assimilated with SO2 background error standard deviation values of 0.7e-7 kg/kg and horizontal background error correlation length scale of 100 km. |
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DOI | 10.21957/qfam-7474 |
Experiment ID | hhbi |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Extended-range ensemble reforecasts for 1 Nov starts 1981-2016 |
Description | Coupled ensemble forecasts (60 days, 8+1 members), 1 Nov 1981-2016, IFS-CY43R3 TCo319L91, no initial perturbations, SPPT applied only in (50E-120E, 20N-20S). Twice-daily global pressure-level gridded F80 atmospheric fields. |
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DOI | 10.21957/ms6x-gk09 |
Experiment ID | hhbu |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 6-hourly global SO2 data from LH50 Raikoke eruption June 2019 |
Description | Layer height experiment for a series of SO2 assimilation tests for the 2019 Raikoke eruption with the CAMS system which assess the impact of assimilating SO2 layer height data (V3.1 FP_ILM). In LH50 (hhbu) SO2 Layer Height data produced with FP_ILM (V3.1) were assimilated with SO2 background error standard deviation values of 1e-7 kg/kg and horizontal background error correlation length scale of 50 km. |
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DOI | 10.21957/zpdt-f079 |
Experiment ID | hhga |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Extended-range ensemble reforecasts for 1 Jan starts 1981-2016 |
Description | Coupled ensemble forecasts (60 days, 8+1 members), 1 Jan 1981-2016, IFS-CY43R3 TCo319L91, no initial perturbations, SPPT applied only in (50E-120E, 20N-20S). Twice-daily global pressure-level gridded F80 atmospheric fields. |
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DOI | 10.21957/qtqh-5r32 |
Experiment ID | hhhx |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | ECMWF CAT parameter for SOUTHTRACK flight campaign |
Description | The dataset contains the ECMWF Clear Air turbulence (CAT) parameter (units of EDR) on model levels for the SOUTHTRACK flight days. For the different flight days the CAT parameter is produced hourly (step 1 to 24) |
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DOI | 10.21957/xbar-5611 |
Experiment ID | hhtm |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 6-hourly global SO2 data from LH100 Raikoke eruption June 2019 |
Description | Layer height experiment for a series of SO2 assimilation tests for the Raikoke eruption with the CAMS system which assess the impact of assimilating SO2 layer height data (V3.1 FP_ILM). In LH100 (hhtm) SO2 Layer Height data produced with FP_ILM (V3.1) were assimilated with SO2 background error standard deviation values of 1e-7 kg/kg and horizontal background error correlation length scale of 100 km. |
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DOI | 10.21957/jraa-s174 |
Experiment ID | hhtn |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 6-hourly global SO2 data from LH250 Raikoke eruption June 2019 |
Description | Layer height experiment for a series of SO2 assimilation tests for the 2019 Raikoke eruption with the CAMS system which assess the impact of assimilating SO2 layer height data (V3.1 FP_ILM). In LH250 (hhtn) SO2 Layer Height data produced with FP_ILM (V3.1) were assimilated with SO2 background error standard deviation values of 1e-7 kg/kg and horizontal background error correlation length scale of 250 km. |
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DOI | 10.21957/ddxs-2v95 |
Experiment ID | hhu5 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 6-hourly global SO2 data from BLexp Raikoke eruption June 2019 |
Description | Control experiment for a series of SO2 assimilation tests for the 2019 Raikoke eruption with the CAMS system which assess the impact of assimilating SO2 layer height data (V3.1 FP_ILM). In BLexp (hhu5) ESA NRT SO2 data were assimilated. |
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DOI | 10.21957/cygt-xf49 |
Experiment ID | hhz0 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | forecast with ECMWF IFS for the EUREC4A period (25km), no shallow convection momentum transport |
Description | Research forecast experiment produced with ECMWF IFS cycle 47R1, at TCo399 (25km), for the EUREC4A field campaign (15.01.2020-14.02.2020). Initialized from the hezu analysis, but no shallow convection momentum transport, with fields and physics tendencies saved on model levels |
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DOI | 10.21957/af7h-bf97 |
Experiment ID | hi44 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Extended-range ensemble reforecasts for 1 Nov starts 1981-2016 that include MJO in phases 2 or 3 |
Description | Coupled ensemble forecasts (60 days, 50+1 members), 1 Nov 2001,2004,2011, IFS-CY43R3 TCo319L91, no initial perturbations, SPPT applied only in (50E-120E, 20N-20S). Twice-daily global pressure-level gridded F80 atmospheric fields. |
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DOI | 10.21957/kt7k-1r77 |
Experiment ID | hipq |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Seasonal (3-months) summer/autumn nature run at 1.4km resolution, aggregated to 9km |
Description | A Baseline for Global Weather and Climate Simulations at 1 km Resolution, data is aggregated/truncated to 9km, and avail 3-hourly, above 300hPa only upper level U wind is correct, meridional winds and vorticity/divergence is corrupted. see the paper https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2020MS002192 |
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DOI | 10.21957/107q-gy77 |
Experiment ID | hiwr |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 47R1 tropical relaxation experiment |
Description | This experiment contains 20 years of re-forecasts with 9 start dates twice a week between 12 December and 12 January of the following year. ensemble size is 11 members. |
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DOI | 10.21957/8mt8-hv24 |
Experiment ID | hiws |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 47R1 Control experiment |
Description | This experiment contains 20 years of re-forecasts with 9 start dates twice a week between 12 December and 12 January of the following year. ensemble size is 11 members. |
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DOI | 10.21957/vp9b-df88 |
Experiment ID | hjch |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 47R1 Tibetan plateau relaxation experiment |
Description | This experiment contains 20 years of re-forecasts with 9 start dates twice a week between 12 December and 12 January of the following year. ensemble size is 11 members. |
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DOI | 10.21957/jpjs-1a98 |
Experiment ID | hjwz |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | TCo319L91 free-running simulation of 2018 SSW |
Description | Stratospheric sudden warming 2018 simulation at TCo319L91 resolution for start date 2018020800. This is free-running experiment (i.e., not nudged) described in the paper: "Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings" (https://wcd.copernicus.org/articles/4/81/2023/) |
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DOI | 10.21957/bc33-ex36 |
Experiment ID | hjy3 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | TCo319L198 free-running simulation of 2018 SSW |
Description | Stratospheric sudden warming 2018 simulation at TCo319L198 resolution for start date 2018020800. This is free-running experiment (i.e., not nudged) described in the paper: "Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings" (https://wcd.copernicus.org/articles/4/81/2023/) |
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DOI | 10.21957/yf79-wt42 |
Experiment ID | hk4g |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 47R1 stratosphere relaxation experiment |
Description | This experiment contains 20 years of re-forecasts with 9 start dates twice a week between 12 December and 12 January of the following year. ensemble size is 11 members. |
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DOI | 10.21957/xz9s-kf04 |
Experiment ID | hk50 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 47R1 Tibetan+mongolian plateau relaxation experiment |
Description | This experiment contains 20 years of re-forecasts with 9 start dates twice a week between 12 December and 12 January of the following year. ensemble size is 11 members. |
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DOI | 10.21957/zyxt-v811 |
Experiment ID | hlot |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 47R1 polar (N. of 70N) relaxation experiment |
Description | This experiment contains 20 years of re-forecasts with 9 start dates twice a week between 12 December and 12 January of the following year. ensemble size is 11 members. |
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DOI | 10.21957/gsar-et18 |
Experiment ID | hlxm |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 6-hourly global CO data from control experiment for TROPOMI CO assimilation July-Dec 2021 |
Description | Control experiment (CTRL) for an assimilation test with near-real time TROPOMI total column CO data (exp=hmib) using the CAMS CY47R3 configuration. In CTRL, MOPITT TIR and IASI TCCO are assimilated, but TROPOMI TCCO data are passive. |
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DOI | 10.21957/mwqe-vs95 |
Experiment ID | hm2h |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | TCo319L137 free-running simulation of 2018 SSW |
Description | Stratospheric sudden warming 2018 simulation at TCo319L137 resolution for start date 2018020800. This is free-running experiment (i.e., not nudged) described in the paper: "Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings" (https://wcd.copernicus.org/articles/4/81/2023/) |
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DOI | 10.21957/zd6c-2a51 |
Experiment ID | hmgx |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | high resolution forecast experiment forced by observed sea ice concentration (APPLICATE) |
Description | Atmosphere only forecast experiment with updated observed sea ice concentration from the ECMWF operational analysis. 10-day high resolution (TCo1279) forecast experiments performed with Cy46r1 of the ECMWF-IFS were initialised at 0z for DJFM2017/18. |
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DOI | 10.21957/4r57-jb72 |
Experiment ID | hmib |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 6-hourly global CO data from TROPOMI CO assimilation July-Dec 2021 |
Description | Analysis experiment (ASSIM) testing the assimilation of near-real time TROPOMI total column CO data in the CAMS CY47R3 system for the period 6/7-31/12/2021 (in addition to already assimilated MOPITT TIR and IASI TCCO). |
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DOI | 10.21957/ax0c-fm72 |
Experiment ID | hnll |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Lower-resolution extended-range reforecasts for the period 1980-2020 (47R3) |
Description | An 11-member coupled IFS (cycle 47R3) extended-range reforecast experiment covering the period 1980-2020 with forecasts initialized on the 1st and 15th of each month. The atmosphere is configured with 137 vertical levels and uses the Tco199 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grid. The IFS is coupled hourly to the 75 level version of the NEMO v3.4 ocean model and the LIM2 sea-ice model, both of which use the ORCA1 tripolar grid. Coupling follows the implementation used in ECMWF CY47R3 operational reforecasts. Atmospheric fields are initialized from the ERA5 reanalysis and ocean and sea-ice initial conditions are derived from the 5-member OCEAN5 ensemble (re)analysis. Ensemble spread in coupled forecasts is generated through a combination of initial condition perturbations and stochastic parameterizations in the atmospheric model. |
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DOI | 10.21957/e8v4-9954 |
Experiment ID | hodv |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Forecast with the new gravity-capillary model and nonlinear renormalisation of the growth rate |
Description | Coupled forecast with the new gravity-capillary model and nonlinear renormalisation of the growth rate in ecWAM. Tc1279 resolution (9km), from 2019-03-22 0 UTC, hourly output from step 1 to 72 hours code branch: wab_CY47R3.0_wam.IFS-1944 |
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DOI | 10.21957/ccsr-7e97 |
Experiment ID | hodx |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Forecast WITHOUT the new gravity-capillary model and nonlinear renormalisation of the growth rate |
Description | Coupled forecast WITHOUT the new gravity-capillary model and nonlinear renormalisation of the growth rate in ecWAM. Tc1279 resolution (9km), from 2019-03-22 0 UTC, hourly output from step 1 to 72 hours code branch: wab_CY47R3.0_wam.IFS-1944 |
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DOI | 10.21957/8ycd-y021 |
Experiment ID | hokw |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | TCo639L91 free-running simulation of 2018 SSW |
Description | Stratospheric sudden warming 2018 simulation at TCo639L91 resolution for start date 2018020800. This is free-running experiment (i.e., not nudged) described in the paper: "Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings" (https://wcd.copernicus.org/articles/4/81/2023/) |
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DOI | 10.21957/jntp-nb81 |
Experiment ID | hokx |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | TCo639L198 free-running simulation of 2018 SSW |
Description | Stratospheric sudden warming 2018 simulation at TCo639L198 resolution for start date 2018020800. This is free-running (i.e, not nudged) experiment described in the paper: "Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings" (https://wcd.copernicus.org/articles/4/81/2023/) |
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DOI | 10.21957/s5j0-x771 |
Experiment ID | hol7 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Indian Ocean SST attribution experiment for winter 2019/20: IC20 |
Description | 4-month long 101-ensemble member seasonal attribution experiment (IC20) initialised on 01-November-2019 using the atmosphere-only version of SEAS5 (see Johnson et al., 2019) forced with daily ERA5 SST as in the reference experiment (R20) but with daily SST climatology over the tropical Indian Ocean. |
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DOI | 10.21957/0wdb-3q97 |
Experiment ID | hopd |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | TCo639L91 free-running simulation of 2010 SSW |
Description | Stratospheric sudden warming 2010 simulation at TCo639L91 resolution for start date 2010020500. This is free-running experiment (i.e., not nudged) described in the paper: "Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings" (https://wcd.copernicus.org/articles/4/81/2023/) |
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DOI | 10.21957/rmx1-zm93 |
Experiment ID | hope |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | TCo639L198 free-running simulation of 2010 SSW |
Description | Stratospheric sudden warming 2010 simulation at TCo639L198 resolution for start date 2010020500. This is free-running experiment (i.e., not nudged) described in the paper: "Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings" (https://wcd.copernicus.org/articles/4/81/2023/) |
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DOI | 10.21957/qshp-z857 |
Experiment ID | hopf |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | TCo639L198 free-running simulation of 2006 SSW |
Description | Stratospheric sudden warming 2006 simulation at TCo639L198 resolution for start date 2006011700. This is free-running experiment (i.e., not nudged) described in the paper: "Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings" (https://wcd.copernicus.org/articles/4/81/2023/) |
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DOI | 10.21957/bkc7-4f71 |
Experiment ID | hopg |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | TCo639L91 free-running simulation of 2006 SSW |
Description | Stratospheric sudden warming 2006 simulation at TCo639L91 resolution for start date 2006011700. This is free-running experiment (i.e., not nudged) described in the paper: "Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings" (https://wcd.copernicus.org/articles/4/81/2023/) |
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DOI | 10.21957/cg6p-bt67 |
Experiment ID | hosc |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Indian Ocean SST attribution experiment for winter 1997/98: IC98 |
Description | 4-month long 101-ensemble member seasonal attribution experiment (IC98) initialised on 01-November-1997 using the atmosphere-only version of SEAS5 (see Johnson et al., 2019) forced with daily ERA5 SST as in the reference experiment (R98) but with daily SST climatology over the tropical Indian Ocean. |
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DOI | 10.21957/dmer-9573 |
Experiment ID | hosd |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Indian Ocean SST attribution experiment for winter 2015/16: IC16 |
Description | 4-month long 101-ensemble member seasonal attribution experiment (IC16) initialised on 01-November-2015 using the atmosphere-only version of SEAS5 (see Johnson et al., 2019) forced with daily ERA5 SST as in the reference experiment (R16) but with daily SST climatology over the tropical Indian Ocean. |
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DOI | 10.21957/b7pr-2z60 |
Experiment ID | hosi |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Reference seasonal experiment for winter 2019/20: R20 |
Description | 4-month long 101-ensemble member seasonal reference experiment (R20) initialised on 01-November-2019 using the atmosphere-only version of SEAS5 (see Johnson et al., 2019) forced with daily ERA5 SST. |
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DOI | 10.21957/ejan-gb83 |
Experiment ID | hosm |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Reference seasonal experiment for winter 1997/98: R98 |
Description | 4-month long 101-ensemble member seasonal reference experiment (R98) initialised on 01-November-1997 using the atmosphere-only version of SEAS5 (see Johnson et al., 2019) forced with daily ERA5 SST. |
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DOI | 10.21957/ndkm-nr53 |
Experiment ID | hosn |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Reference seasonal experiment for winter 2015/16: R16 |
Description | 4-month long 101-ensemble member seasonal reference experiment (R16) initialised on 01-November-2015 using the atmosphere-only version of SEAS5 (see Johnson et al., 2019) forced with daily ERA5 SST. |
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DOI | 10.21957/kgtn-v960 |
Experiment ID | houd |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 47R1 Japan relaxation experiment |
Description | This experiment contains 20 years of re-forecasts with 9 start dates twice a week between 12 December and 12 January of the following year. ensemble size is 11 members. |
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DOI | 10.21957/2r24-eg74 |
Experiment ID | hpdd |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Attribution experiment for winter 2019/20 with Indian Ocean SST anomaly of 1997/98 : I98_BC20 |
Description | 4-month long 101-ensemble member seasonal attribution experiment (I98_BC20) initialised on 01-November-2019 using the atmosphere-only version of SEAS5 (see Johnson et al., 2019) forced with daily ERA5 SST as in the reference experiment (R20) but with daily SST over the tropical Indian Ocean swapped with that from 2019/20. |
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DOI | 10.21957/203z-v321 |
Experiment ID | hpde |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Attribution experiment for winter 2019/20 with Indian Ocean SST anomaly of 2015/16 : I16_BC20 |
Description | 4-month long 101-ensemble member seasonal attribution experiment (I16_BC20) initialised on 01-November-2019 using the atmosphere-only version of SEAS5 (see Johnson et al., 2019) forced with daily ERA5 SST as in the reference experiment (R20) but with daily SST over the tropical Indian Ocean swapped with that from 2019/20. |
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DOI | 10.21957/3n48-t818 |
Experiment ID | hpdh |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Attribution experiment for winter 1997/98 with Indian Ocean SST anomaly of 2019/20 : I20_BC98 |
Description | 4-month long 101-ensemble member seasonal attribution experiment (I20_BC98) initialised on 01-November-1997 using the atmosphere-only version of SEAS5 (see Johnson et al., 2019) forced with daily ERA5 SST as in the reference experiment (R98) but with daily SST over the tropical Indian Ocean swapped with that from 2019/20. |
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DOI | 10.21957/xd6h-rr82 |
Experiment ID | hpdi |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Attribution experiment for winter 2015/16 with Indian Ocean SST anomaly of 2019/20 : I20_BC16 |
Description | 4-month long 101-ensemble member seasonal attribution experiment (I20_BC16) initialised on 01-November-2015 using the atmosphere-only version of SEAS5 (see Johnson et al., 2019) forced with daily ERA5 SST as in the reference experiment (R16) but with daily SST over the tropical Indian Ocean swapped with that from 2019/20. |
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DOI | 10.21957/9x89-4c27 |
Experiment ID | hpgj |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 4-month 15-member ensemble hind-casts from 1 Oct 1992-2020 with ozone climatology in radiation |
Description | Four-month 15-member ensemble hind-casts initialised on 1st of October 1992-2020. Ozone monthly-mean zonal-mean climatology used in radiation. IFS cycle 47r1 used. Output for pressure-level and surface fields is 6-hourly. |
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DOI | 10.21957/s8r3-7v64 |
Experiment ID | hpgo |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 4-month 15-member ensemble hind-casts from 1 Oct 1992-2020 interactive HLO ozone in radiation |
Description | Four-month 15-member ensemble hind-casts initialised on 1st of October 1992-2020. Fully radiatively interactive ozone. produced by the hybrid linear ozone scheme. IFS cycle 47r1 used. Output for pressure-level and surface fields is 6-hourly. |
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DOI | 10.21957/975c-z032 |
Experiment ID | hplp |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Uncompressed 64-bit floating-point atmospheric and wave model outputs |
Description | Contains uncompressed IEEE-754 Standard (1985) 64-bit floating-point single-time atmospheric and wave model (long window 4Dvar) outputs for experiment version 'hplp'. Surface, and model and pressure levels are available for the atmospheric model. |
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DOI | 10.21957/r6rk-7978 |
Experiment ID | hpoz |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | TCo639L137 free-running simulation of 2018 SSW |
Description | Stratospheric sudden warming 2018 simulation at TCo639L137 resolution for start date 2018020800. This is free-running experiment (i.e., not nudged) described in the paper: "Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings" (https://wcd.copernicus.org/articles/4/81/2023/) |
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DOI | 10.21957/ghy8-ts66 |
Experiment ID | hpp0 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | TCo639L137 free-running simulation of 2006 SSW |
Description | Stratospheric sudden warming 2006 simulation at TCo639L137 resolution for start date 2006011700. This is free-running experiment (i.e., not nudged) described in the paper: "Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings" (https://wcd.copernicus.org/articles/4/81/2023/) |
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DOI | 10.21957/8hj8-dq42 |
Experiment ID | hpp1 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | TCo639L137 free-running simulation of 2010 SSW |
Description | Stratospheric sudden warming 2010 simulation at TCo639L137 resolution for start date 2010020500. This is free-running experiment (i.e., not nudged) described in the paper: "Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings" (https://wcd.copernicus.org/articles/4/81/2023/) |
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DOI | 10.21957/g9xq-ve88 |
Experiment ID | hptj |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Pacific Ocean SST attribution experiment for winter 2019/20: PC20 |
Description | 4-month long 101-ensemble member seasonal attribution experiment (PC20) initialised on 01-November-2019 using the atmosphere-only version of SEAS5 (see Johnson et al., 2019) forced with daily ERA5 SST as in the reference experiment (R20) but with daily SST climatology over the tropical Pacific Ocean. |
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DOI | 10.21957/ytkb-fb06 |
Experiment ID | hpxj |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | TCo639L91 nudged simulation of 2018 SSW |
Description | Stratospheric sudden warming 2018 simulation at TCo639L91 resolution for start date 2018020800. This nudged experiment described in the paper: "Increased vertical resolution in the stratosphere reveals role of gravity waves after sudden stratospheric warmings" (https://wcd.copernicus.org/articles/4/81/2023/) |
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DOI | 10.21957/rf4y-x692 |
Experiment ID | hqys |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | IFS nextGEMS cycle 2 4km 1-year simulation |
Description | nextGEMS cycle2 coupled global 1-year simulation without parameterized deep convection. Grids: tco2559 for atmosphere and NG5 for ocean. Model versions: IFS 47r3.3 + upgrades and FESOM2.1. Starting date: 20/01/2020. |
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DOI | 10.21957/1n36-qg55 |
Experiment ID | hr2n |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | IFS nextGEMS cycle 2 9km 1-year simulation, deep off |
Description | nextGEMS cycle2 coupled global 1-year simulation without parameterized deep convection. Grids: tco1279 for atmosphere and orca025 for ocean. Model versions: IFS 47r3.3 + upgrades and NEMO3.4. Starting date: 20/01/2020. |
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DOI | 10.21957/ts4y-fn59 |
Experiment ID | hr3j |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | CY47R3 wave hindcast based on ERA5 forcing 2015-2021 |
Description | Standalone wave model CY47R3 forced by ERA5 hourly neutral 10m winds, air density, gustiness and sea ice fraction (2015-2021). Native grid is Tco639 (18km), 36 directions, 36 frequencies. No wave data assimilation. Hourly output, many parameters. |
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DOI | 10.21957/xr9n-0t47 |
Experiment ID | hrn6 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | IFS nextGEMS cycle 2 9km baseline 2-year simulation, deep on. |
Description | nextGEMS cycle2 coupled global 2-year simulation with parameterized deep convection. Grids: tco1279 for atmosphere and orca025 for ocean. Model versions: IFS 47r3.3 + upgrades and NEMO3.4. Starting date: 20/01/2020. |
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DOI | 10.21957/x4vb-3b40 |
Experiment ID | hs3g |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Seasonal output from 1.4 km IFS experiment of global parameters from November 2018 to February 2019 |
Description | The seasonal run (Nov 2018 - Feb 2019) performed on the Oak Ridge Summit supercomputer with a 1.4 km spatial resolution and a 3 hour temporal resolution. Currently only the initial 10 steps have been published as an example, but more data is available on request. Surface fields are available for the entire time range, model level and pressure level fields are available for only the first month. Model levels 1 to 137 are available. Pressure levels 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 700, 850, 925, 1000 are available. |
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DOI | 10.21957/rfrp-8h86 |
Experiment ID | hs5h |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Pacific Ocean SST attribution experiment for winter 1997/98: PC98 |
Description | 4-month long 101-ensemble member seasonal attribution experiment (PC98) initialised on 01-November-1997 using the atmosphere-only version of SEAS5 (see Johnson et al., 2019) forced with daily ERA5 SST as in the reference experiment (R98) but with daily SST climatology over the tropical Pacific Ocean. |
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DOI | 10.21957/qrsy-e285 |
Experiment ID | hs5i |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Pacific Ocean SST attribution experiment for winter 2015/16: PC16 |
Description | 4-month long 101-ensemble member seasonal attribution experiment (PC16) initialised on 01-November-2015 using the atmosphere-only version of SEAS5 (see Johnson et al., 2019) forced with daily ERA5 SST as in the reference experiment (R16) but with daily SST climatology over the tropical Pacific Ocean. |
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DOI | 10.21957/ej5p-fk14 |
Experiment ID | hsff |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Large-ensemble subseasonal reforecasts for the period 2001-2020 (CY47R3) |
Description | 101-member coupled IFS (cycle 47R3) subseasonal reforecasts covering the period 2001-2020 with forecasts initialized on February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, and November 1st. The atmosphere is configured with 137 vertical levels and uses the Tco319 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grid. The IFS is coupled hourly to the 75 level version of the NEMO v3.4 ocean model and the LIM2 sea-ice model, both of which use the ORCA025 tripolar grid. Coupling follows the implementation used in ECMWF CY47R3 operational reforecasts. Atmospheric fields are initialized from the ERA5 reanalysis and ocean and sea-ice initial conditions are derived from the 5-member OCEAN5 ensemble (re)analysis. Ensemble spread in coupled forecasts is generated through a combination of initial condition perturbations and stochastic parameterizations in the atmospheric model. |
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DOI | 10.21957/ya5k-2k48 |
Experiment ID | htk3 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Global output of seasonal forecast experiment of monthly mean data for JJA 2022 |
Description | Long-range ensemble forecast experiment initialised on 1st May 2022 covering the 4 months up to the end of August 2022 with atmospheric CO2 concentrations reduced to pre-industrial levels of 285 ppm |
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DOI | 10.21957/pnpp-7878 |
Experiment ID | htkx |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Global output of seasonal forecast experiment of monthly mean data for JJA 2022 |
Description | Long-range ensemble forecast experiment initialised on 1st May 2022 covering the 4 months up to the end of August 2022 with atmospheric CO2 concentrations increased 615 ppm |
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DOI | 10.21957/92f4-pd67 |
Experiment ID | hw7h |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Deterministic ECMWF forecast data with additional precipitation flux parameters |
Description | Model-level data of operational forecasts reproduced with Cy47R3 experiment suite. Parameters 103 and 104 are convective mass fluxes of rain and snow, and parameters 101 and 102 are large-scale mass fluxes of rain and snow. |
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DOI | 10.21957/hrkg-9c18 |
Experiment ID | hwji |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Tco319 Control Run Blocking Dates North Atlantic (47r3) |
Description | Coupled ensemble reforecasts using the ECMWF IFS cycle 47r3, configured as follows. The atmosphere is set up with 15 ensemble members, 137 model levels and run on Tco319 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grids. The IFS is coupled hourly to a 75-level NEMO v3.4 ocean model and an LIM2 sea ice model, both utilising the ORCA025 tripolar grid with a grid spacing of approximately 0.25 degrees. The ocean and atmosphere are fully coupled throughout the 46-day forecast, producing output every 12 hours. Fifteen reforecasts are used. The atmospheric, land, and wave fields were initialised from ERA5, while the ocean and sea ice fields were initialised from OCEAN5 and ORAS5 respectively. These dates were chosen based on the occurrence of a cyclone over the North Atlantic preceding the initial block detected in the North Atlantic or Europe region, as observed from ERA5 data. The forecast was initiated approximately 4 days before the observed block was initially detected to allow the contributing cyclone to sufficiently interact with the Gulf Stream. |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | hx3i |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Two 2018 SSW 50-member hindcasts |
Description | 50-member extended-range hindcasts (46 days) targeting 2018 stratospheric sudden warming. Two initialisation dates considered: 2018-01-27 and 2018-01-31. Resolution TCo639L137. CY47R3. |
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DOI | 10.21957/hcmn-0572 |
Experiment ID | hydv |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Tco319 NO_GS_SLHF Run Blocking Dates North Atlantic (47r3) |
Description | Coupled ensemble reforecasts using the ECMWF IFS cycle 47r3, configured as follows. The atmosphere is set up with 15 ensemble members, 137 model levels and run on Tco319 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grids. The IFS is coupled hourly to a 75-level NEMO v3.4 ocean model and an LIM2 sea ice model, both utilising the ORCA025 tripolar grid with a grid spacing of approximately 0.25 degrees. The ocean and atmosphere are fully coupled throughout the 46-day forecast, producing output every 12 hours. Fifteen reforecasts are used. The atmospheric, land, and wave fields were initialised from ERA5, while the ocean and sea ice fields were initialised from OCEAN5 and ORAS5 respectively. These dates were chosen based on the occurrence of a cyclone over the North Atlantic preceding the initial block detected in the North Atlantic or Europe region, as observed from ERA5 data. The forecast was initiated approximately 4 days before the observed block was initially detected to allow the contributing cyclone to sufficiently interact with the Gulf Stream. Gulf Stream surface latent heat flux is turned off by applying a mask to the moisture transfer scheme, preventing moisture transfer where the mask is applied. This mask linearly relaxed, allowing complete moisture transfer after a distance of 5 degrees from the original mask. The mask roughly corresponds to the region of 200Wm^-{2} SLHF from wintertime ERA5 climatology in the North Atlantic and was applied throughout the entire run. |
Deleted | - |
DOI | - |
Experiment ID | hygz |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Tco639 Control Run Blocking Dates North Atlantic (47r3) |
Description | Coupled ensemble reforecasts using the ECMWF IFS cycle 47r3, configured as follows. The atmosphere is set up with 15 ensemble members, 137 model levels and run on Tco639 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grids. The IFS is coupled hourly to a 75-level NEMO v3.4 ocean model and an LIM2 sea ice model, both utilising the ORCA025 tripolar grid with a grid spacing of approximately 0.25 degrees. The ocean and atmosphere are fully coupled throughout the 46-day forecast, producing output every 12 hours. Fifteen reforecasts are used. The atmospheric, land, and wave fields were initialised from ERA5, while the ocean and sea ice fields were initialised from OCEAN5 and ORAS5 respectively. These dates were chosen based on the occurrence of a cyclone over the North Atlantic preceding the initial block detected in the North Atlantic or Europe region, as observed from ERA5 data. The forecast was initiated approximately 4 days before the observed block was initially detected to allow the contributing cyclone to sufficiently interact with the Gulf Stream. |
Deleted | - |
DOI | - |
Experiment ID | hyig |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Tco639 NO_GS_SLHF Run Blocking Dates North Atlantic (47r3) |
Description | Coupled ensemble reforecasts using the ECMWF IFS cycle 47r3, configured as follows. The atmosphere is set up with 15 ensemble members, 137 model levels and run on Tco639 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grids. The IFS is coupled hourly to a 75-level NEMO v3.4 ocean model and an LIM2 sea ice model, both utilising the ORCA025 tripolar grid with a grid spacing of approximately 0.25 degrees. The ocean and atmosphere are fully coupled throughout the 46-day forecast, producing output every 12 hours. Fifteen reforecasts are used. The atmospheric, land, and wave fields were initialised from ERA5, while the ocean and sea ice fields were initialised from OCEAN5 and ORAS5 respectively. These dates were chosen based on the occurrence of a cyclone over the North Atlantic preceding the initial block detected in the North Atlantic or Europe region, as observed from ERA5 data. The forecast was initiated approximately 4 days before the observed block was initially detected to allow the contributing cyclone to sufficiently interact with the Gulf Stream. Gulf Stream surface latent heat flux is turned off by applying a mask to the moisture transfer scheme, preventing moisture transfer where the mask is applied. This mask linearly relaxed, allowing complete moisture transfer after a distance of 5 degrees from the original mask. The mask roughly corresponds to the region of 200Wm^-{2} SLHF from wintertime ERA5 climatology in the North Atlantic and was applied throughout the entire run. |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | i14x |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | ECMWF Seasonal reforecasts with climatological Leaf Area Index and fixed Land Use/Land Cover |
Description | This dataset contains parameters from four-month long seasonal reforecasts using ECMWF IFS cycle CY49R1 v-version 4 covering the period 1993-2019 and forced with datasets for Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) developed in the CONFESS project (https://confess-h2020.eu). This is a CONTROL Experiment with climatological LAI (2010-2019 based) and fixed LULC (2019) based on version climate.v020_ESACCI_LAI of the IFS climate fields and can be compared against similar experiments but with time-varying LAI and LULC (i14x) and time-varying LULC with climatological LAI (i14z). The IFS-NEMO coupled model in a relatively low resolution configuration (TCo199 atmosphere, ORCA1_Z75 ocean) compared to the operational SEAS5 is used. The reforecasts are intialised on 01-May and 01-November with 101 ensemble members. The CONFESS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004156. See also: https://www.ecmwf.int/en/elibrary/81330-newsletter-no-174-winter-202223 |
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DOI | 10.21957/sd9c-4s37 |
Experiment ID | i14y |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | ECMWF Seasonal reforecasts with time-varying Leaf Area Index and Land Use/Land Cover |
Description | This dataset contains parameters from four-month long seasonal reforecasts using ECMWF IFS cycle CY49R1 v-version 4 covering the period 1993-2019 and forced with datasets for Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) developed in the CONFESS project (https://confess-h2020.eu). The reforecasts uses time varying LAI and LULC based on version climate.v020_ESACCI_LAI of the IFS climate fields and can be compared against the CONTROL experiment (i14x) that uses climatological LAI and fixed LULC. The IFS-NEMO coupled model in a relatively low resolution configuration (TCo199 atmosphere, ORCA1_Z75 ocean) compared to the operational SEAS5 is used. The reforecasts are intialised on 01-May and 01-November with 101 ensemble members. The CONFESS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004156. See also: https://www.ecmwf.int/en/elibrary/81330-newsletter-no-174-winter-202223 |
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DOI | 10.21957/brc3-se71 |
Experiment ID | i14z |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | ECMWF Seasonal reforecasts with time-varying Land Use/Land Cover and climatological Leaf Area Index |
Description | This dataset contains parameters from four-month long seasonal reforecasts using ECMWF IFS cycle CY49R1 v-version 4 covering the period 1993-2019 and forced with datasets for Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) developed in the CONFESS project (https://confess-h2020.eu). The reforecasts uses time varying LULC and climatological LAI based on version climate.v020_ESACCI_LAI of the IFS climate fields and can be compared against the CONTROL experiment (i14x) that uses climatological LAI and fixed LULC. The IFS-NEMO coupled model in a relatively low resolution configuration (TCo199 atmosphere, ORCA1_Z75 ocean) compared to the operational SEAS5 is used. The reforecasts are intialised on 01-May and 01-November with 101 ensemble members. The CONFESS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004156. See also: https://www.ecmwf.int/en/elibrary/81330-newsletter-no-174-winter-202223 |
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DOI | 10.21957/h04s-9b28 |
Experiment ID | i1m7 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Tco199 NO_GS_SLHF Run Blocking Dates North Atlantic (47r3) |
Description | Coupled ensemble reforecasts using the ECMWF IFS cycle 47r3, configured as follows. The atmosphere is set up with 15 ensemble members, 137 model levels and run on Tco199 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grids. The IFS is coupled hourly to a 75-level NEMO v3.4 ocean model and an LIM2 sea ice model, both utilising the ORCA025 tripolar grid with a grid spacing of approximately 0.25 degrees. The ocean and atmosphere are fully coupled throughout the 46-day forecast, producing output every 12 hours. Fifteen reforecasts are used. The atmospheric, land, and wave fields were initialised from ERA5, while the ocean and sea ice fields were initialised from OCEAN5 and ORAS5 respectively. These dates were chosen based on the occurrence of a cyclone over the North Atlantic preceding the initial block detected in the North Atlantic or Europe region, as observed from ERA5 data. The forecast was initiated approximately 4 days before the observed block was initially detected to allow the contributing cyclone to sufficiently interact with the Gulf Stream. Gulf Stream surface latent heat flux is turned off by applying a mask to the moisture transfer scheme, preventing moisture transfer where the mask is applied. This mask linearly relaxed, allowing complete moisture transfer after a distance of 5 degrees from the original mask. The mask roughly corresponds to the region of 200Wm^-{2} SLHF from wintertime ERA5 climatology in the North Atlantic and was applied throughout the entire run. |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | i1ms |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Tco199 Control Run Blocking Dates North Atlantic (47r3) |
Description | Coupled ensemble reforecasts using the ECMWF IFS cycle 47r3, configured as follows. The atmosphere is set up with 15 ensemble members, 137 model levels and run on Tco199 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grids. The IFS is coupled hourly to a 75-level NEMO v3.4 ocean model and an LIM2 sea ice model, both utilising the ORCA025 tripolar grid with a grid spacing of approximately 0.25 degrees. The ocean and atmosphere are fully coupled throughout the 46-day forecast, producing output every 12 hours. Fifteen reforecasts are used. The atmospheric, land, and wave fields were initialised from ERA5, while the ocean and sea ice fields were initialised from OCEAN5 and ORAS5 respectively. These dates were chosen based on the occurrence of a cyclone over the North Atlantic preceding the initial block detected in the North Atlantic or Europe region, as observed from ERA5 data. The forecast was initiated approximately 4 days before the observed block was initially detected to allow the contributing cyclone to sufficiently interact with the Gulf Stream. |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | i245 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 48R1 Control experiment |
Description | This experiment contains 20 years of re-forecasts with 9 start dates twice a week between 12 December and 12 January of the following year. ensemble size is 11 members. |
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DOI | 10.21957/9dp9-np88 |
Experiment ID | i2fe |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 48R1 NOATL Experiment |
Description | This experiment contains 20 years of re-forecasts with 9 start dates twice a week between 12 December and 12 January of the following year. ensemble size is 11 members. |
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DOI | 10.21957/04r0-vg40 |
Experiment ID | i3xq |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 48R1 ALLGLOBE Experiment |
Description | This experiment contains 20 years of re-forecasts with 9 start dates twice a week between 12 December and 12 January of the following year. ensemble size is 11 members. |
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DOI | 10.21957/fy35-2r94 |
Experiment ID | i4gl |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | SANPSI strong vortex case, initialised on 2022-01-01, free-running in the stratosphere |
Description | SNAPSI case study of Northern Hemisphere strong polar vortex case in the stratosphere, initialised on 2022-01-01. TCo319L137 resolution 51-member ensemble, integrated for 70 days. |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | i4gn |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | SANPSI strong vortex case, initialised on 2022-01-01, zonal-mean nudging in the stratosphere |
Description | SNAPSI case study of Northern Hemisphere strong polar vortex case in the stratosphere, initialised on 2022-01-01. TCo319L137 resolution 51-member ensemble, integrated for 70 days. Nudging to the zonal-mean. |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | i4ql |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | DestinE experiment for Deltares |
Description | This is an global forecast experiment for Deltares use case in DestinE (DE370a). It covers the period of tropical cyclone Tammy. |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | i5a5 |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | SANPSI strong vortex case, initialised on 2022-01-01, nudged to climatology in the stratosphere |
Description | SNAPSI case study of Northern Hemisphere strong polar vortex case in the stratosphere, initialised on 2022-01-01. TCo319L137 resolution 51-member ensemble, integrated for 70 days. |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | i5aw |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Central greece storm daniel intense precipitation event 2.8km 72 hours simulation |
Description | The storm daniel record precipitation event in central greece (produced the highest rainfall ever recorded in Europe) between 4/09-07/09 2023 is simulated with the 2.8km resolution version of the global IFS i.e.Tco3999 grid with 137 vertical levels. |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | i6aj |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | ecland_cy49r1_era5_forced_i6aj_o400_2010_2022 |
Description | ECLand offline surface model (CY49R1) run forced by ERA5 reanalysis with CAMAFLOOD activated. For use in ML land emulation experiments. |
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DOI | 10.21957/pcf3-ah06 |
Experiment ID | i7yt |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 48R1_EXTENDED_TROPICS Experiment |
Description | This experiment contains 20 years of re-forecasts with 9 start dates twice a week between 12 December and 12 January of the following year. ensemble size is 11 members. |
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DOI | 10.21957/q9xb-v079 |
Experiment ID | i7yu |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 48R1_DEEP_TROPICS Experiment |
Description | This experiment contains 20 years of re-forecasts with 9 start dates twice a week between 12 December and 12 January of the following year. ensemble size is 11 members. |
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DOI | 10.21957/1fnn-xy27 |
Experiment ID | i8ki |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | ecland_cy49r1_era5_forced_i8ki_o200_2010_2022 |
Description | ECLand offline surface model (CY49R1) run forced by ERA5 reanalysis with CAMAFLOOD activated. For use in ML land emulation experiments. |
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DOI | 10.21957/n17n-6a68 |
Experiment ID | ibpb |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | ERA6 prototype 1 sample data for testing only June to August 2022 |
Description | This experiment is a prototype. It has several important limitations. It is not an ERA6 production. It has known missing components. It should not be used for any application or publication. It should be used to provide feedback to ECMWF. |
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DOI | 10.21957/gmf0-rw02 |
Experiment ID | icrv |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | DestinE experiment for Deltares - case Storm Chiara |
Description | This is an global forecast experiment for Deltares use case in DestinE (DE370a). It covers the period of storm Chiara, with initial dates from 03/02/2020 to 16/02/2020. |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | idev |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | DestinE experiment for Deltares - case Cyclone Doksuri July 2023 |
Description | This is an global forecast experiment for Deltares use case in DestinE (DE370a). It covers the period from 16/07/2023 to 28/07/2023. |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | idlp |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Data denial Experiment without GNSS-RO |
Description | Coupled 32-day experiment, 51 member ensemble, Tco319L137. Start dates covering extended winters 2020/2023, starting on 1st Nov up to 24 April, 1 week apart. |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | idlq |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | Control Experiment with GNSS-RO |
Description | Coupled 32-day experiment, 51 member ensemble, Tco319L137. Start dates covering extended winters 2020/2023, starting on 1st Nov up to 24 April, 1 week apart. |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | iekm |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | DestinE experiment 49r1 |
Description | This is a global forecast experiment to share with the On-Demand DT partners |
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DOI | - |
Experiment ID | ig9j |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | ERA6 prototype test sample dataset 1 from Oct 2019 to April 2020 |
Description | This experiment is a prototype. It has several important limitations. It is not an ERA6 production. It has known missing components. It should not be used for any application or publication. It should be used to provide feedback to ECMWF. |
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DOI | 10.21957/1qyd-ep25 |
Experiment ID | ilia |
Experiment class | ECMWF Research Department |
Title | 48R1 TMP1 Experiment |
Description | This experiment contains 20 years of re-forecasts with 9 start dates twice a week between 12 December and 12 January of the following year. ensemble size is 11 members. |
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DOI | 10.21957/krdv-me63 |
Experiment ID | b2m8 |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Pre-industrial CO2 forecasts of the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R2 replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). The CO2 concentration was set to 285 ppm. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/84b5-zq14 |
Experiment ID | b2mc |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Increased CO2 forecasts of the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R2 replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). The CO2 concentration was set to 615 ppm. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/h4zb-d227 |
Experiment ID | b2mg |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Pre-industrial forecasts of the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R2 replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 removed. The CO2 concentration was set to 285 ppm If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/zgfv-zn86 |
Experiment ID | b2mh |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Future forecasts of the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R2 replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 added, such that the total anthropogenic influence is twice estimated at the present day (an equal but opposite perturbation to expid b2mg). The CO2 concentration was set to 615 ppm. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/0zck-ca02 |
Experiment ID | b2mk |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Pre-industrial forecasts of the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave, CMCC-CM2-HR4 perturbations |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R2 replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) within the CMCC-CM2-HR4 climate model since 1850-1900 removed. The CO2 concentration was set to 285 ppm. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/72wq-qj90 |
Experiment ID | b2ml |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Future forecasts of the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave, CMCC-CM2-HR4 perturbations |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R2 replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) within the CMCC-CM2-HR4 climate model since 1850-1900 added, such that the total anthropogenic influence is twice estimated at the present day (an equal but opposite perturbation to expid b2mk). The CO2 concentration was set to 615 ppm. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/p841-0e98 |
Experiment ID | b2mp |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Large-ensemble pre-industrial forecasts of the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R2 replicating operations (TCo639, ORCA025Z75). In this experiment, 251 members are forecast, rather than the usual 51. The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 removed. The CO2 concentration was set to 285 ppm. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/1q62-tf59 |
Experiment ID | b2mq |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Large-ensemble future forecasts of the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R2 replicating operations (TCo639, ORCA025Z75). In this experiment, 251 members are forecast, rather than the usual 51. The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 added, such that the total anthropogenic influence is twice estimated at the present day (an equal but opposite perturbation to expid b2mg). The CO2 concentration was set to 615 ppm. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/3md3-2m11 |
Experiment ID | b2mr |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Large-ensemble forecasts of the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R2 replicating operations (TCo639, ORCA025Z75). In this experiment, 251 members are forecast, rather than the usual 51. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/eahv-g248 |
Experiment ID | b2nn |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Pre-industrial forecasts of Storm Eunice (2022) |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R3 replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 removed. The CO2 concentration was set to 285 ppm. This experiment is part of a set of six experiments (each corresponding to a different initial climate state and initialisation date) that were used in "Event attribution of a midlatitude windstorm using ensemble weather forecasts", Ermis et al., 2024, https://doi.org/10.1088/2752-5295/ad4200. We acknowledge the use of ECMWF's computing and archive facilities in this research under the special project spgbleac, without which this work would not have been possible. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk or shirin.ermis@physics.ox.ac.uk. |
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DOI | 10.21957/cfv9-j888 |
Experiment ID | b2no |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Future forecasts of Storm Eunice (2022) |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R3 replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 added, such that the total anthropogenic influence is twice estimated at the present day (an equal but opposite perturbation to expid b2nn). The CO2 concentration was set to 625 ppm. This experiment is part of a set of six experiments (each corresponding to a different initial climate state and initialisation date) that were used in "Event attribution of a midlatitude windstorm using ensemble weather forecasts", Ermis et al., 2024, https://doi.org/10.1088/2752-5295/ad4200. We acknowledge the use of ECMWF's computing and archive facilities in this research under the special project spgbleac, without which this work would not have been possible. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk or shirin.ermis@physics.ox.ac.uk. |
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DOI | 10.21957/wpem-yw48 |
Experiment ID | b2nq |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Pre-industrial forecasts of Storm Eunice (2022) |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R3 replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 removed. The CO2 concentration was set to 285 ppm. This experiment is part of a set of six experiments (each corresponding to a different initial climate state and initialisation date) that were used in "Event attribution of a midlatitude windstorm using ensemble weather forecasts", Ermis et al., 2024, https://doi.org/10.1088/2752-5295/ad4200. We acknowledge the use of ECMWF's computing and archive facilities in this research under the special project spgbleac, without which this work would not have been possible. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk or shirin.ermis@physics.ox.ac.uk. |
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DOI | 10.21957/ypy3-gx72 |
Experiment ID | b2nr |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Future forecasts of Storm Eunice (2022) |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R3 replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 added, such that the total anthropogenic influence is twice estimated at the present day (an equal but opposite perturbation to expid b2nq). The CO2 concentration was set to 625 ppm. This experiment is part of a set of six experiments (each corresponding to a different initial climate state and initialisation date) that were used in "Event attribution of a midlatitude windstorm using ensemble weather forecasts", Ermis et al., 2024, https://doi.org/10.1088/2752-5295/ad4200. We acknowledge the use of ECMWF's computing and archive facilities in this research under the special project spgbleac, without which this work would not have been possible. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk or shirin.ermis@physics.ox.ac.uk. |
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DOI | 10.21957/vddc-5e08 |
Experiment ID | b2ns |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Pre-industrial forecasts of Storm Eunice (2022) |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R3 replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 removed. The CO2 concentration was set to 285 ppm. This experiment is part of a set of six experiments (each corresponding to a different initial climate state and initialisation date) that were used in "Event attribution of a midlatitude windstorm using ensemble weather forecasts", Ermis et al., 2024, https://doi.org/10.1088/2752-5295/ad4200. We acknowledge the use of ECMWF's computing and archive facilities in this research under the special project spgbleac, without which this work would not have been possible. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk or shirin.ermis@physics.ox.ac.uk. |
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DOI | 10.21957/4m34-ca34 |
Experiment ID | b2nt |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Future forecasts of Storm Eunice (2022) |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R3 replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 added, such that the total anthropogenic influence is twice estimated at the present day (an equal but opposite perturbation to expid b2ns). The CO2 concentration was set to 625 ppm. This experiment is part of a set of six experiments (each corresponding to a different initial climate state and initialisation date) that were used in "Event attribution of a midlatitude windstorm using ensemble weather forecasts", Ermis et al., 2024, https://doi.org/10.1088/2752-5295/ad4200. We acknowledge the use of ECMWF's computing and archive facilities in this research under the special project spgbleac, without which this work would not have been possible. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk or shirin.ermis@physics.ox.ac.uk. |
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DOI | 10.21957/bqgm-e686 |
Experiment ID | b2r0 |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Season of attribution: present-day forecasts replicating operations I |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R3b replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). These forecasts were run after the HPCF move to Bologna on the ATOS system, and therefore are not necessarily bit-identical to the operational forecasts at the time - but are statistically equivalent. These forecasts are part of a series of perturbed forecast experiments designed to explore and quantify human influence on exterme weather. For more technical information on the experiment design, please see 'Heatwave Attribution Using Reliable Operational Weather Forecasts', Leach et al., 2024 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48280-7). This 'Season of Attribution' covers the 2022-23 Northern Hemisphere winter, with 14-day forecasts initalised twice per week on Mondays and Thursdays starting 20221219 and ending 20230320. For each start date, three ensemble forecasts are run, representing initialisations in current, pre-industrial and future climate states. These are split between six MARS experiment versions as follows: - Initialised Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 - current = b2r0 - pre-industrial = b2r1 - future = b2r2 - Initialised Feb 2023 - Mar 2023 - current = b2r7 - pre-industrial = b2r8 - future = b2r9 We acknowledge the use of ECMWF's computing and archive facilities in this research under the special project spgbleac, without which this work would not have been possible. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/pnkp-xa29 |
Experiment ID | b2r1 |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Season of attribution: pre-industral forecasts replicating operations I |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R3b replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). These forecasts were run after the HPCF move to Bologna on the ATOS system, and therefore are not necessarily bit-identical to the operational forecasts at the time - but are statistically equivalent. The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 removed. The CO2 concentration was set to 285 ppm. These perturbations aim to produce an initial model state representative of a pre-industrial climate. These forecasts are part of a series of perturbed forecast experiments designed to explore and quantify human influence on exterme weather. For more technical information on the experiment design, please see 'Heatwave Attribution Using Reliable Operational Weather Forecasts', Leach et al., 2024 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48280-7). This 'Season of Attribution' covers the 2022-23 Northern Hemisphere winter, with 14-day forecasts initalised twice per week on Mondays and Thursdays starting 20221219 and ending 20230320. For each start date, three ensemble forecasts are run, representing initialisations in current, pre-industrial and future climate states. These are split between six MARS experiment versions as follows: - Initialised Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 - current = b2r0 - pre-industrial = b2r1 - future = b2r2 - Initialised Feb 2023 - Mar 2023 - current = b2r7 - pre-industrial = b2r8 - future = b2r9 We acknowledge the use of ECMWF's computing and archive facilities in this research under the special project spgbleac, without which this work would not have been possible. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/j6wp-pz12 |
Experiment ID | b2r2 |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Season of attribution: future forecasts replicating operations I |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R3b replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). These forecasts were run after the HPCF move to Bologna on the ATOS system, and therefore are not necessarily bit-identical to the operational forecasts at the time - but are statistically equivalent. The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 added, such that the total anthropogenic influence is twice estimated at the present day (an equal but opposite perturbation to expid b2r1). The CO2 concentration was set to 615 ppm. These perturbations aim to produce an initial model state representative of a future climate. These forecasts are part of a series of perturbed forecast experiments designed to explore and quantify human influence on exterme weather. For more technical information on the experiment design, please see 'Heatwave Attribution Using Reliable Operational Weather Forecasts', Leach et al., 2024 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48280-7). This 'Season of Attribution' covers the 2022-23 Northern Hemisphere winter, with 14-day forecasts initalised twice per week on Mondays and Thursdays starting 20221219 and ending 20230320. For each start date, three ensemble forecasts are run, representing initialisations in current, pre-industrial and future climate states. These are split between six MARS experiment versions as follows: - Initialised Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 - current = b2r0 - pre-industrial = b2r1 - future = b2r2 - Initialised Feb 2023 - Mar 2023 - current = b2r7 - pre-industrial = b2r8 - future = b2r9 We acknowledge the use of ECMWF's computing and archive facilities in this research under the special project spgbleac, without which this work would not have been possible. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/ns0m-wa24 |
Experiment ID | b2r7 |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Season of attribution: present-day forecasts replicating operations II |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R3b replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). These forecasts were run after the HPCF move to Bologna on the ATOS system, and therefore are not necessarily bit-identical to the operational forecasts at the time - but are statistically equivalent. These forecasts are part of a series of perturbed forecast experiments designed to explore and quantify human influence on exterme weather. For more technical information on the experiment design, please see 'Heatwave Attribution Using Reliable Operational Weather Forecasts', Leach et al., 2024 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48280-7). This 'Season of Attribution' covers the 2022-23 Northern Hemisphere winter, with 14-day forecasts initalised twice per week on Mondays and Thursdays starting 20221219 and ending 20230320. For each start date, three ensemble forecasts are run, representing initialisations in current, pre-industrial and future climate states. These are split between six MARS experiment versions as follows: - Initialised Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 - current = b2r0 - pre-industrial = b2r1 - future = b2r2 - Initialised Feb 2023 - Mar 2023 - current = b2r7 - pre-industrial = b2r8 - future = b2r9 We acknowledge the use of ECMWF's computing and archive facilities in this research under the special project spgbleac, without which this work would not have been possible. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/5rse-e053 |
Experiment ID | b2r8 |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Season of attribution: pre-industral forecasts replicating operations II |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R3b replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). These forecasts were run after the HPCF move to Bologna on the ATOS system, and therefore are not necessarily bit-identical to the operational forecasts at the time - but are statistically equivalent. The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 removed. The CO2 concentration was set to 285 ppm. These perturbations aim to produce an initial model state representative of a pre-industrial climate. These forecasts are part of a series of perturbed forecast experiments designed to explore and quantify human influence on exterme weather. For more technical information on the experiment design, please see 'Heatwave Attribution Using Reliable Operational Weather Forecasts', Leach et al., 2024 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48280-7). This 'Season of Attribution' covers the 2022-23 Northern Hemisphere winter, with 14-day forecasts initalised twice per week on Mondays and Thursdays starting 20221219 and ending 20230320. For each start date, three ensemble forecasts are run, representing initialisations in current, pre-industrial and future climate states. These are split between six MARS experiment versions as follows: - Initialised Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 - current = b2r0 - pre-industrial = b2r1 - future = b2r2 - Initialised Feb 2023 - Mar 2023 - current = b2r7 - pre-industrial = b2r8 - future = b2r9 We acknowledge the use of ECMWF's computing and archive facilities in this research under the special project spgbleac, without which this work would not have been possible. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/bn52-q143 |
Experiment ID | b2r9 |
Experiment class | United Kingdom |
Title | Season of attribution: future forecasts replicating operations II |
Description | Forecasts using IFS EPS CY47R3b replicating operations (51 members, TCo639, ORCA025Z75). These forecasts were run after the HPCF move to Bologna on the ATOS system, and therefore are not necessarily bit-identical to the operational forecasts at the time - but are statistically equivalent. The ocean state has had a hydrostatically balanced estimate of anthropogenic influence (warming) since 1850-1900 added, such that the total anthropogenic influence is twice estimated at the present day (an equal but opposite perturbation to expid b2r8). The CO2 concentration was set to 615 ppm. These perturbations aim to produce an initial model state representative of a future climate. These forecasts are part of a series of perturbed forecast experiments designed to explore and quantify human influence on exterme weather. For more technical information on the experiment design, please see 'Heatwave Attribution Using Reliable Operational Weather Forecasts', Leach et al., 2024 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48280-7). This 'Season of Attribution' covers the 2022-23 Northern Hemisphere winter, with 14-day forecasts initalised twice per week on Mondays and Thursdays starting 20221219 and ending 20230320. For each start date, three ensemble forecasts are run, representing initialisations in current, pre-industrial and future climate states. These are split between six MARS experiment versions as follows: - Initialised Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 - current = b2r0 - pre-industrial = b2r1 - future = b2r2 - Initialised Feb 2023 - Mar 2023 - current = b2r7 - pre-industrial = b2r8 - future = b2r9 We acknowledge the use of ECMWF's computing and archive facilities in this research under the special project spgbleac, without which this work would not have been possible. If you are interested in using these data, please let us know by contacting nicholas.leach@physics.ox.ac.uk . |
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DOI | 10.21957/kpkm-gv59 |