Use of data accessed via this service
The datasets available on this server are provided solely for research purposes. Before retrieving data please read the conditions below and acknowledge that you accept them.
- Data from the projects available on this server is provided without charge and may be used for research and education only. Commercial use of the data is not permitted.
- Research is understood as any project organised by a university, scientific institute or similar (private or institutional), for non-commercial research purposes only. A necessary condition for the recognition of non-commercial purposes is that all the results obtained are openly available at delivery costs only, without any delay linked to commercial objectives, and that the research itself is submitted for open publication.
- Although every care has been taken in preparing and testing the data, ECMWF cannot guarantee that the data are correct in all circumstances; neither does ECMWF accept any liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the data, or for any loss or damage arising from its use.
- Any person extracting data from this server will accept responsibility for informing all data users of these conditions.
- Data must not be supplied as a whole or in part to any third party without the authorisation of ECMWF.
- Articles, papers, or written scientific works of any form, based in whole or in part on data supplied by ECMWF, will contain an acknowledgement concerning the supplied data.
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