Local definition 21: Sensitive area predictions

Octet Key Type Contents
10-11 type codetable Type
6-7 localDefinitionNumber unsigned ECMWF local GRIB use definition identifier. 21 = Sensitive area predictions.
12-13 stream codetable Stream
8-9 class codetable Class
14-17 experimentVersionNumber ksec1expver Version number or experiment identifier. (4 ASCII characters, right justified)
30-33 northWestLatitudeOfVerficationArea signed Latitude in degrees of north-west corner of forecast verification area multiplied by multiplicationFactorForLatLong
26-29 multiplicationFactorForLatLong unsigned Multiplication factor to convert latitude/longitude and accuracy from real to integer
25 normAtFinalTime unsigned Norm used at final time
24 normAtInitialTime unsigned Norm used at initial time
20-21 numberOfIterations unsigned Number of iterations
22-23 numberOfSingularVectorsComputed unsigned Number of singular vectors computed
18-19 forecastOrSingularVectorNumber unsigned Forecast number or singular vector number or flight number. Zero for analysis
65 shapeOfVerificationArea unsigned Shape of verification region: 0: lat-lon box as given by octets 30-45 1: circular region with centre at latitude = 0.5*(northWestLatitude + southEastLatitude)/multiplicationFactor (deg) longitude = 0.5*(northWestLongitude + southEastLongitude)/multiplicationFactor (deg) and with radius = 0.5*(northWestLatitude - southEastLatitude)/(multiplicationFactor*111.199) = great-circle distance in km This is the largest circle fitting in a lat-lon box defined by octets 30-45
63-64 methodNumber unsigned Method number
62 marsDomain ascii Domain. 1 ASCII character (uppercase)
61 forecastLeadTime unsigned Forecast lead time (hours) For all types, this is the lead time of forecast(s) on which sensitive area prediction is based. The lead time is the time from the initialization of the forecast to the reference time
60 optimisationTime unsigned For all types, this is the period in hours between the time when the targeted observations are taken (the reference time) and the forecast verification time. For singular vectors, this is the optimisation time.
56-59 NINT_RITZ_EXP signed NINT( RITZ / EXP(LOG(10.0)*NINT_LOG10_RITZ) )
52-55 NINT_LOG10_RITZ signed NINT( LOG10(RITZ)-5 )
50-51 numberOfSingularVectorsEvolved unsigned Number of singular vectors evolved
46-49 accuracyMultipliedByFactor unsigned Accuracy multiplied by multiplicationFactorForLatLong
42-45 southEastLongitudeOfVerficationArea signed Longitude in degrees of south-east corner of forecast verification area multiplied by multiplicationFactorForLatLong
38-41 southEastLatitudeOfVerficationArea signed Latitude in degrees of south-east corner of forecast verification area multiplied by multiplicationFactorForLatLong
34-37 northWestLongitudeOfVerficationArea signed Longitude in degrees of north-west corner offorecast verification area multiplied by multiplicationFactorForLatLong
52-59 Ritz numbers: