Section 4 - Code Table 7 : Derived forecast

Code Meaning
0 Unweighted mean of all members
1 Weighted mean of all members
2 Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean
3 Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean, normalized
4 Spread of all members
5 Large anomaly index of all members
6 Unweighted mean of the cluster members
7 Interquartile range (range between the 25th and 75th quantile)
8 Minimum of all ensemble members
9 Maximum of all ensemble members
255 Missing

( 1) Large anomaly index is defined as {number of members whose anomaly is higher than 0.5xSD) - (number of members whose anomaly is lower than -0.5xSD)} / {number of members} at each grid point, where SD is defined as observed climatological standard deviation.

( 2) It should be noted that the reference for "minimum of all ensemble members" and "maximum of all ensemble members" is the set of ensemble members and not a time interval and should not be confused with the maximum and minimum described by PDT 4.8