Section 3 - Code Table 11 : Interpretation of list of numbers at end of section 3

Code Meaning
0 There is no appended list
1 Numbers define number of points corresponding to full coordinate circles (i.e. parallels), coordinate values on each circle are multiple of the circle mesh, and extreme coordinate values given in grid definition (i.e. extreme longitudes) may not be reached in all rows
2 Numbers define number of points corresponding to coordinate lines delimited by extreme coordinate values given in grid definition (i.e. extreme longitudes) which are present in each row
3 Numbers define the actual latitudes for each row in the grid. The list of numbers are integer values of the valid latitudes in microdegrees (scaled by 10-6) or in unit equal to the ratio of the basic angle and the subdivisions number for each row, in the same order as specified in the scanning mode flag (bit no. 2)
255 Missing

( 1) For entry 1, it should be noted that depending on values of extreme (first/last) coordinates, and regardless of bit-map, effective number of points per row may be less than the number of points on the current circle.

( 2) The value for the constant direction increment Di (or Dx) in the accompanying Grid Definition Template should be set to all ones (missing).