Local definition 19: Extreme forecast index data

Octets Key Type Contents
41 localDefinitionNumber unsigned ECMWF local GRIB use definition identifier. 19 = Extreme forecast index data
42 class codetable Class = 1, Operations
43 type codetable Type: 27 = extreme forecast index 28 = extreme forecast index control
44-45 stream codetable Stream = 1035 (ensemble forecast)
46-49 experimentVersionNumber ksec1expver Version number or experiment identifier. (4 ASCII characters, right justified)
50 number unsigned Zero, for compatibility with Mars labelling
51 ensembleSize unsigned Ensemble size.
52 versionNumberOfExperimentalSuite unsigned Before Feb 2006: Power of 10 used to scale climate weight = F
Before Mar 2008: Version number of the Experimental Suite (1 - 255)
From March 2008: No further change
53-56 implementationDateOfModelCycle unsigned Before Feb 2006: Weight * 10**F applied to climate month 1, stored as an integer
Before Mar 2008: Implementation date of the model cycle (YYYYMMDDHH)
From March 2008: No further change
57-59 numberOfReforecastYearsInModelClimate unsigned Before Feb 2006: First month used to build climate month 1, YYYYMM
Before Mar 2008: Basetime of the EFI computation, HHMM (0 or 1200)
From March 2008: Number of re-forecast years in the model climate (Currently set to 18)
60-62 numberOfDaysInClimateSamplingWindow unsigned Before Feb 2006: Last month used to build climate month 1, YYYYMM
Before Mar 2008: Number of re-forecasts each year (XX) and time difference as number of days applied in the operational generation of the re-forecasts (YY), separated by 0, XX0YY
From March 2008: Length (in number of days) of the climate sampling window centred over the day of the climate run (Currently set to 31)
63-65 sampleSizeOfModelClimate unsigned Before Feb 2006: First month used to build climate month 2, YYYYMM
Before Mar 2008: First year of the climate period
From March 2008: Sample size of the model climate (Number of re-forecast fields constituting the climate)
66-68 versionOfModelClimate unsigned Before Feb 2006: Last month used to build climate month 2, YYYYMM
Before Mar 2008: Last year of the climate period
From March 2008: Version of the model climate (Currently set to 0 = No climate files prepared for days between two re-forecast runs)
69 efiOrder unsigned EFI order

For EFI this is set to 0 but for SOT (Shift of Tails) it has an important meaning.
It shows the reference model climate percentile used for SOT computation.
Therefore, for the lower tail SOT efiOrder=1 and for the upper tail SOT efiOrder=99.
Having the octet 50 (number) we can figure out how SOT is computed,
e.g. for the upper tail SOT efiOrder=99 and number=90 which shows that for SOT computation we use 90th and 99th model climate percentiles and 90th percentile of the forecast distribution
70 Set to 0 for this version of EFI(prior to March 2008)
71-80 Set to zero