Archive Catalogue

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1994 year=1994
1995 year=1995
1996 year=1996
1997 year=1997
1998 year=1998
1999 year=1999
2000 year=2000
2001 year=2001
2002 year=2002
2003 year=2003
2004 year=2004
2005 year=2005
2006 year=2006
2007 year=2007
2008 year=2008
2009 year=2009
2010 year=2010
2011 year=2011

Current selection

type: 4i, 4v, ab, af, ai, an, ea, ef, fb, fc, fg, gai, go, ia, im, me, mfb, ob, ofb, oi, oldim, sim, ssd, tf
expver: 1, 79
stream: eefh, eefo, eehs, efho, efhs, efov, enfh, enfo, enwh, ewhc, ewho, mmsa, mmsf, mnth, msmm, oper, scda, scwv, waef, wamo, wave, weef, weeh, wehs, weov
class: ai, od