Archive Catalogue

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2024-08-01 date=2024-08-01
2024-08-05 date=2024-08-05
2024-08-08 date=2024-08-08
2024-08-12 date=2024-08-12
2024-08-15 date=2024-08-15
2024-08-19 date=2024-08-19
2024-08-22 date=2024-08-22
2024-08-26 date=2024-08-26
2024-08-29 date=2024-08-29

Current selection

month: jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep
year: 2023, 2024
type: cf, fcmax, fcmean, fcmin, fcstdev, pf
expver: 1, 79
stream: eefh, eefo, eehs, efho, efhs, efov, enfh, enfo, enwh, ewhc, ewho, mmsa, mmsf, mnth, msmm, oper, scda, scwv, waef, wamo, wave, weef, weeh, wehs, weov
class: ai, od